NEW STETIC S.A. identified with Fiscal Identification Number 890900267-0, and domiciled at Carrera 53 No. 50-09 Guarne – Antioquia, will be responsible for the processing of your personal data. In compliance with the Statutory Law 1581 of 2012 on Data Protection (LEPD) and concordant rules, the purpose of this Privacy Notice is to inform the Holder about the processing and purpose to which the data stored in our databases will be subjected.

NEW STETIC, as responsible for the processing of personal data, collects, stores, and uses personal data including sensitive data for the following purposes:


  • Carry out the pertinent steps for the development of the company’s corporate purpose in what has to do with compliance with the purpose of the contract and/or commercial relationship with the Owner of the information
  • To send you commercial, advertising, or promotional information about products and/or services through electronic media, including e-mail, SMS, and WhatsApp; or via telephone to conduct campaigns, promotions or contests of commercial nature or advertising; as well as to inform you about events organized by the company about the service we provide, to conduct proceedings (requests, complaints, and claims), and to request you to evaluate the quality of our products and/or services.
  • Provide contact information to the commercial force and/or distribution network, telemarketing, market research and any third party with which NEW STETIC SA has a contractual relationship for the development of activities of that type (market research and telemarketing, etc. ) for their execution.
  • To contact the holder through electronic media, including e-mail, SMS, and WhatsApp, or via telephone to conduct surveys, studies and/or confirmation of personal data necessary for the performance of a contractual or business relationship.
  • To contact the holder through electronic media, including e-mail, SMS, and WhatsApp, or via telephone for the submission of news related to customer’s loyalty campaigns or service improvement.
  • To contact the holder through electronic media, including e-mail, SMS, and WhatsApp, or via telephone for submitting statements of account or invoices regarding obligations derived from the contract entered into by the parties and collections management.
  • Transmit personal data outside the country to third parties with whom NEW STETIC SA has signed a data processing contract and it is necessary to deliver it to them for the fulfillment of the contractual object.
  • Provide the services offered by NEW STETIC SA and accepted in the signed contract.
  • Collect and use your image in photographs and videos, for advertising, internal and external company events, communications and social networks.
  • Record the sale of controlled substances; the filing of complaints as a victim; control for the sale of acids, alkalis and corrosive substances; the reversal of transactions under Consumer Protection regulations; security protocols, the execution of transaction contracts to prevent litigation, among others.

It is optional to answer or not the questions that relate to sensitive data. Sensitive data are those that affect the privacy of the Owner or whose improper use may generate discrimination such as racial or ethnic origin, political orientation, religious or philosophical convictions, membership in unions, social organizations, human rights, data related to health, to sexual life and biometric data; as well as the data of girls, boys and adolescents.

The sensitive biometric data related to videos and photographic images that are collected will be used for advertising purposes, internal and external company events, communications and social networks of NEW STETIC SA


NEW STETIC S.A. is committed to respect and guarantee the following rights of the owners of the data:

  • To know, update and rectify their personal data. This right may be exercised, among others, against partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fractioned, misleading data, or data whose processing is expressly prohibited or has not been authorized.
  • Request proof of the authorization granted as owner of the data.
  • Be informed about the use that has been given to their personal data.
  • Consult their personal data and make claims, following the guidelines established by law and in this policy.
  • To revoke the authorization and/or request the deletion of the data when the processing does not respect the principles, rights, and constitutional and legal guarantees.
  • File before the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) complaints for violations of the provisions of current regulations.
  • Access your personal data free of charge.
  • Refrain from answering questions about sensitive data or harm to children and adolescents.

In any case, the owner of the data may revoke the authorization and request the deletion of the data, when there is a legal or contractual duty that imposes the duty to remain in the database. 


The Holder may access our Information Processing Policy and the substantial changes that occur in it, on the website It can also be requested to the email [email protected] or through regular mail at Carrera 53 No. 50-09 Guarne – Antioquia.