Pharmacological Action
Mepivacaine is a local anesthetic with a medium duration of action. Its pharmacological properties are similar to Lidocaine.
Mepivacaine stabilizes the neuronal membrane and prevents the beginning and transmission of ionic impulses.
The beginning of its action is very similar to that of Lidocaine and its duration is a little longer (20%) than that of Lidocaine in the absence of a co-administered vasoconstrictor.
Mepivacaine has a slight vasoconstrictor action. It is not efficient when used as a topic anesthetic.
It does not have vasodilatation action in local infiltrations.
Epinephrine causes local vasoconstriction which restricts the absorption of the anesthetic, prolongs its action and diminishes its systemic toxicity.
In doses currently applied in dentistry, this substance is completely atoxic and produces very scarce allergic reactions.